Branding, Communication & Design: Part II

Dr. Amardeep M. Dugar
September 7, 2023

BC&D Series is a three-part series that will explore the basic principles for effective branding through communication and design.

Part-1 of this series explored the fundamental relationship between branding, communication and design by unraveling their fundamental definitions.

Part-2 will explore the basic principles of communication and their applications in the process of designing brands.


Art is more about peoples’ own experiences and interpretation about an artifact. Branding on the other hand is more about designing and communicating strategic information about a brand.

Studying the basic principles of communication to structure branding can be an incredibly valuable tool in the branding strategy. Seven basic principles of communication have been carefully identified and suitably reinterpreted for the branding design process.


Principle of Clarity

Representing clearly the communicated idea or message. The brand visuals should be designed such that people understand the same message, which the brand wants to communicate.

Here's an example: A clear message as provided by the Offsite Cyber visuals without any ambiguity will evoke the same response as the intended message.


Principle of Attention

Drawing maximum attention towards the communicated idea or message. As people have different attention spans, behavioral patterns, emotional responses, etc. they may respond differently to a message.

Effective branding requires peoples’ attention to be drawn towards brand visuals so that they act similarly as per the contents of the message.


Principle of Feedback

Providing feedback mechanisms within the communication process. The branding process should incorporate a mechanism of receiving feedback from the people to know whether the message has been understood.

This has to be in the same sense in which the brand has meant to convey it.


Principle of Informality

Adding informality to the communication process. Formal communication methods used for transmitting messages within the branding process sometimes may not achieve the desired results.

Informal communication, like the evolution of the Twitter logo may prove more effective for assessing the reaction of people towards the brand.


Principle of Consistency

Being consistent with the communicated idea or message. Brand visuals such as the FedEx brand architecture, should always be consistent with the brand offerings, and not in conflict with them.

If the communicated messages are in conflict with the brand offerings then there will be confusion in the minds of people, and they may not opt for the brand. Such a situation will be detrimental to the brand.


Principle of Timeliness

Timing the communication of ideas or messages appropriately. Any delay in brand communication may also become detrimental to the positioning of the brand.


Principle of Adequacy

Communicating ideas or messages adequately and completely in all respects. Inadequate information about the brand may affect efficiency.

This could also end up creating confusion and delaying action from the target audience. Therefore, adequate information is needed for making proper decisions about a brand.

This branch of specifically communicating brand information through visuals in fields such as advertising, branding, or app and web design is also called Communication Design.

The process doesn't just involve the craft of creating stunning graphics, but about realizing and utilizing the power of communication to its fullest extent.


Graphic designers are hired to handle one visual element of the brand. Communication designers on the other hand are hired to see the overview of the branding campaign.

They achieve this by creating visuals as well as communicating the brand’s message to the audience.Part-3 of this series will explore the underlining role of a communication designer in the process of designing brands.

Excal Design has been recognized as one of Top 30 Chicago Branding Agencies by DesignRush.


Author: Dr. Amardeep M. Dugar,  IALD, IDA, MIES, FISLE, FSLL

Dr. Amardeep M. Dugar is the founding principal of Lighting Research & Design.
He has a master's degree in Architectural Lighting from University of Wismar, Germany and a Ph.D. from Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand.
He is also the co-founder of the Virtual Lighting Design Community.

The views expressed by the author are his own.

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